最後更新時間: 2019/4/28
提供 Google Play 的地區,不一定會提供「電信代扣」付款方式,即使提供了也不一定當地所有電信商都會加入。
印度才剛啟用電信代扣,而且目前只有一家電信商 Idea 加入;相較之下,台灣五大電信商統統加入「電信代扣」的行列,實在是 Google 內部員工努力得來的成果,相當不容易。
The Play Store Now Supports Carrier Billing in India
Carrier billing is very popular in parts of the world as credit cards just aren’t readily available to everyone. The Play Store now supports carrier billing in India with the Idea cellular network. It seems to be a slow rollout(likely server side) as not everyone on the Idea network is currently see…